Author: John Godley Related WordPress Plugins

Jump To

A very simple plugin that adds a drop-down listbox to the bottom of multi-page posts. The purpose of this box is to allow the user to jump directly to a named page, rather than navigating using page numbers....

HeadSpace2 SEO

HeadSpace2 is an all-in-one meta-data manager that allows you to fine-tune the SEO potential of your site. Visit the HeadSpace page for a video demonstration. You can configure meta-data for: Posts Pages Categories Home page Author pages Search pages 404 page You can define: Tags/keywords, w.........

HTML Purified

HTML Purified replaces the default WordPress comments filters with HTML Purifier, a super HTML filtering library. HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP. HTML Purifier will not only remove all malicious code (better known as XSS) with a thoroughly audited, se.........

Polldaddy Polls & Ratings

The Polldaddy Polls and Ratings plugin allows you to create and manage polls and ratings from within your WordPress dashboard. You can create polls, choose from 20 different styles for your polls, and view all results for your polls as they come in. All Polldaddy polls are fully customizable, you ca.........


Future upgrades to Sharedaddy plugin will only be available in Jetpack. Jetpack connects your blog to the cloud, enabling awesome features....


At the simplest level, it is a generic pattern matcher that searches for specific patterns, or tags, and replaces them with something else. However, instead of replacing these patterns with static text, you can replace them with variables, functions, and even PHP code. Some of the features that In.........

Audit Trail

Audit Trail is a plugin to keep track of what is going on inside your blog. It does this by recording certain actions (such as who logged in and when) and storing this information in the form of a log. Not only that but it records the full contents of posts (and pages) and allows you to restore a po.........

Gravatar Widget

Displays a Gravatar in the sidebar of your blog. Some of the features of this plugin are: Email address of Gravatar (either a user on the blog, or any address) Size of Gravatar Image alignment URL for Gravatar (when someone clicks on the image) Add arbitrary text to your widget Fully localized T.........

User Permissions

User Permissions is a plugin that takes the simple WordPress permissions models one step further and allows you to assign permissions to specific posts that restrict users or roles from reading or editing it. To summarize: Restrict reading or writing of post or page according to the user's role (.........


Redirection is a WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This is particularly useful if you are migrating pages from an old website, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation. And it's 100% fr.........

Tidy Up

This plugin provides the ability to run HTML Tidy through all your posts, pages, and comments, generating a report on just how dirty your code is. Should you want to, the plugin can also automatically update your database with the cleansed data. If you are unaware of it's existence, HTML Tidy is a .........

Filled In

Filled In is a generic form processing plugin that will validate and store data submitted through forms. You can use it for any kind of data input, from simple contact forms on a blog to full-blown questionnaires on a business site. Features include: Customizable data filters and data processors.........


Sniplets is a generic text insertion plugin with support for an extensible processing framework. At it's simplest this means you can dynamically replace text in your posts with text that may be defined elsewhere, or created by some other module. For example, you can use Sniplets to perform syntax hi.........

Drain Hole

Drain Hole is a centralized download manager, with full monitoring and statistics, versioning, SVN support, and SEO download URLs (no more nasty query strings!). In addition to it's monitoring abilities, Drain Hole has a run-time tag replacement feature that lets you embed special tags in your post.........

Advanced Permalinks

Provides advanced permalink options that allow you to: Have multiple permalink structures. Permalinks can be assigned to posts or ranges of posts 301 redirect old permalink structures (many structures are allowed) Category-specific permalinks. Posts in certain categories can be assigned a permal.........