Author: Jon Cave Related WordPress Plugins

Exploit Scanner

This plugin searches the files on your website, and the posts and comments tables of your database for anything suspicious. It also examines your list of active plugins for unusual filenames. It does not remove anything. That is left to the user to do. Latest MD5 hash values for Exploit Scanner: .........

Update Notifier

If you don't check your admin panel on your WordPress install very often (maybe because you prefer to use remote publishing) or you want to make sure that your clients' WordPress installations are updated, then this is the plugin for you. You don't have to login to your admin panel regularly, suscri.........

Debug Bar

Adds a debug menu to the admin bar that shows query, cache, and other helpful debugging information. A must for developers! When WP_DEBUG is enabled it also tracks PHP Warnings and Notices to make them easier to find. When SAVEQUERIES is enabled the mysql queries are tracked and displayed. Add a.........