Author: Justin Kopepasah Related WordPress Plugins

Less Theme Support

Using Less when developing a theme can both enhance the code and speed development. However, setting up Less in a every theme (not to mention updating Less for each theme) can make any saved time saved. This plugin solves that issue by setting up Less for the theme. Usage Add style.less at the r.........

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved Themes

NOTE: This plugin requires SyntaxHighlighter Evolved in order to work. Once both are activate, new themes are added to the availble themes on the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved settings page. For more information or to add your own new theme, visit the Github repo....

Jetpack Markdown Support

Out of the box, Jetpack's Markdown Module does not add support for custom post types. This plugin fixes that by adding support for this module to public custom post types that support the editor....

Get Gist

A simple WordPress plugin that adds a gist shortcode for getting a single Gist and the files within. It uses the Gist V3 API. Has the option for authentication via Personal Access Token. Usage Get a Gist using a WordPress shortcode: [gist id=00000000 file=file-name.php] The Gist will return as pla.........

Simply Snow

There are a lot of plugins that create a snowing effect on your site, but I wanted one that simply added a snowing effect without options, clutter or drastically affecting my sites speed. No options. No bloat. Simply Snow....

Eighties bbPress

An add-on for the Eighties WordPress theme that adds bbPress integration. More specifically, this addon adds custom bbPress styles and templates for the theme....