Author: Kaspars Related WordPress Plugins

Contact Form 7 Controls

This plugin adds simple admin controlls for the following customization of the Contact Form 7 form output: Disable AJAX form submission Disable default form CSS Disable automatic paragraph formatting Disable HTML5 input field types or enable the HTML5 input type fallback Track form submissions and.........

Code Prettify

Uses the Google Code Prettify library that is minified and properly enqueued. Plugin applies code highlighting automatically to all <pre> and <code> tags on the page....

Comment Approved

This WordPress plugin will sent out a customizable notification to a user that has left an comment on your site after approval of the comment. It's a tiny plugin which I hope to expand in the near future. Let me know if you miss something. Icon by Max Steenbergen /

Widget Output Cache

Use PHP output buffering to extract widget output and store it into WordPress transients for faster retrieval. It also adds a checkbox to widget controls to exclude it from being cached. It is a quick fix for bad behaving plugins that parse RSS feeds or call remote URLs on every page load....

Automatic Post Scheduler

This plugin can be used for defining an editorial plan. WP already does a great job with the Scheduled post status, but what if it could be simpler than that? When publishing posts, the plugin computes the most recent interval when a post can be published and picks a timestamp in that interval when.........

Baltic Amber Themes & Schemes

With Baltic Amber Admin Themes & Schemes you can: create your own colour scheme by specifying only two base colours, have the theme colours change randomly every time you reload the page, or at any time interval you choose, use one of the administration themes which slightly alter/improve the .........

Tabbed Widgets

Tabbed interfaces can save a lot of vertical space and make your website look less cluttered. Accordion type tabs are particularly useful if you want to have longer tab titles or more tabs that wouldn't otherwise fit into the given horizontal width....

Multiple Editors

Plugin adds a meta box to every post, page and custom post type where users with editor capabilities can promote other users (with author or contributor capabilities, by default) as editors of that post. Plugin provides the following filters: custom_editors_enable_roles -- Specify an array of use.........

Widget Context

Widget Context allows you to show or hide widgets on certain sections of your site — front page, posts, pages, archives, search, etc. It also features section targeting by URLs (with wildcard support) for maximum flexibility....

Custom 404 Error Page

Set any page to be used as the 404 error page under "Settings > Reading". A plugin by Metronet...

Metro Share

Super fast and super customizable social sharing. Adds Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Email icons to your posts and pages....