Author: Kelly Dwan Related WordPress Plugins

RICG Responsive Images

Bringing automatic default responsive images to WordPress. This plugin works by including all available image sizes for each image upload. Whenever WordPress outputs the image through the media uploader, or whenever a featured image is generated, those sizes will be included in the image tag via th.........


Tagregator lets you add a shortcode to a post or page on your site, and pull in content from various social media networks onto that page. For example, if you add [tagregator hashtag="#WordPress"] into a page, then you'll see posts that mention the #WordPress hashtag....

Post From Site

Add an interface on your site to write a post (or page, or anything), without having to go into the admin section. Also allows for 'anonymous' posting (not logged in users, still asks for name/email) with a recaptcha. This makes Post From Site a perfect plugin for your user reviews, a suggestion box.........

Meetup Widgets

For use with a group. This plugin creates two widgets: one a list of events from a meetup group (by ID or URL name, for multiple groups use IDs); the other shows details about single event (by ID) with a link to RSVP - using OAuth if keys are specified, otherwise just a link to the event.........


Refresh WordPress dashboard screen. Clean things up. Move a few things around. Make it more actionable and relevant for users....