Author: Kevin Langley Related WordPress Plugins

Voce Cached Nav

Replace your template calls to wp_nav_menu with voce_cached_nav_menu to retreive cached copies of menu objects....

Voce Performance Tools

This plugin provides numerous performance tools and functionalities to assist in developing high performance WordPress themes...

WP Cache Bucket

Cache bucket uses the built-in WordPress wp_cache but contains methods to associate multiple items with a single cache object or 'bucket' without having to stick all of them into a single cache key. This is helpful when you have multiple items that need to be updated when one item is modified. Beca.........

WP CDN Rewrite

This plugin allows you to rewrite the root url of assets, css, and js files. This allows you to load these resources from an external URL improving the page load time by taking advantage of parallel browser requests. This plugin requires the use of the Voce Settings API library. If using Composer .........

WP Contextual Help

Adds helper functionality to easily add to the WP Contextual Help throughout the admin of a WordPress site....

Post Type Converter

Adds meta boxes to all post types and allows you to convert the post type of the current post you are editing to a different post type. This very useful when doing an import from another site into one post type that then needs to be filtered into different post types or even to fill dummy posts thro.........

Widget Settings Importer/Exporter

Gives the user the ability to export the current widget settings and states as a json file. You can then import those settings on a different server or installation of WordPress so you have the same widgets within the same sidebars as the export. The import will not overwrite any data currently with.........

Voce SEO

Adds filterable SEO and Social fields to all publicly queryable post types and applies them to the header of the site to improve discoverability....