Author: Luke Related WordPress Plugins

CYSTEME Finder, a file explorer

A feature-rich WordPress site management is not accessible to everyone, and developers always need other additional tools to manage files manually. And to do so they always use in addition a tool such FileZilla, WinSCP or another to upload, create or modify PHP or other files on their own installati.........

TFO Graphviz

Graphviz is a powerful tool for visualising network and tree structures that connect objects. This WordPress plugin provides a shortcode mechanism to create Graphviz graphics within blogs, including image map generation and most other Graphviz features....


Never be in the dark about WP Admin activity again. Stream allows you to know exactly when changes to your site have been made, and more importantly, who did them. Every logged-in user action is displayed in an activity stream and organized for easy filtering by User, Role, Context, Action and IP .........

Twotone FX

Inspired by the duotone effect employed in the Twotone theme, Twotone FX makes it easy to preview and apply a similar filter to any photo in your Media Library....

Multilingual post

If you can write your posts in 2 or more(Woo...) languages within one blog, you might want to tell the client browser the language attribute of you posts. According to the tutorial on W3C, language attribute can be declared in the container html tag of your post like this: <div id="post_id" clas.........

Admin Menu on Right

The default position for the menu in WordPress 2.7 is on the left, but since the scroll-bar is on the right, some people wanted the menu over there too. Plus a lot of blogs/websites have menus on the right so menu on the right seems to be a pretty popular option. This plug-in moves WordPress admin .........

Ultimate Nofollow

This plugin contains several tools in one package to significantly increase your control of the rel="nofollow" tag on every link on your blog, on both an individual and categorical basis. It is designed to give you fine-grained control of linking for SEO purposes. The plugin's main features are: .........

Contact Details

Adds the ability to save contact information in the administration area. These details can then be displayed in any theme using a simple shortcode....

Encrypt Email

This plugin allows users to encrypt emails in their content and widgets using a simple shortcode. The encryption uses a native WordPress function antispambot(). To encrypt your email simply use the shortcode: [encrypt_email email="" text="Text displayed"] or.........


Cue gives you the ability to easily create stylish playlists and display them anywhere on your site using a widget, shortcode or template tag. Upload new audio files, reuse existing files in your media library, or even link to remote sources. Reorder tracks with a simple drag and drop interface. S.........

'Easy Speak' Widget Contact Form

This plugin utilizes a wordpress widget and jquery to create a widgetized contact form that visitors can use to send the site owner, or whoever you decide for that matter, email without the need to refresh or navigate from the page. The plugin has been updated to check the email address is formatte.........

'Easy Speak' Mailing List

This plugin utilizes a wordpress widget and jquery to create a widgetized mailing list subscription form. This plugin stores user data in a database table and is converted to a '.csv' and sent to the website admin as requested. Once downloaded you can sell it?? Use it for Marketing? Whatever you lik.........

Floating Login

A really simple to use plugin that will create a floating element that either displays login/ register or logout/profile, depending on whether the user is logged in. Fully customisable colors, links and properties....

'Easy Speak' Download User Data

Yet another useful plugin for connecting to your website user base from the "easy speak wordpress plugin team" team. As always this plugin is simple to use and efficient at delivering what you need. Simply navigate to wp-admin-> Settings(left sidebar) -> Easy Speak Download User Data and click.........

WCS QR Code Generator

This plugin is a QR Code (Quick Response) generator for mobile tagging. It allows you to create one of the ever-popular QR Codes anywhere on a page/post or in a text widget. A simple shortcode defaults to generating the 2d code for the current page/post. Plus, attributes allow you to set the: size,.........