Author: Luke Mlsna Related WordPress Plugins

Ultimate Nofollow

This plugin contains several tools in one package to significantly increase your control of the rel="nofollow" tag on every link on your blog, on both an individual and categorical basis. It is designed to give you fine-grained control of linking for SEO purposes. The plugin's main features are: .........

Commission Junction Link Shortcode

This plugin allows you to customize and insert text links from the Commission Junction affiliate program into a post or page using a simple shortcode. This prevents the WordPress WYSIWYG editor from messing up the links and simplifies your HTML code. Inserting the shortcode [cj] with the parameters .........

Custom Meta Widget

This plugin acts in exactly the same way as the standard Meta widget except that it adds options which allow you control which of the 5 standard Meta widget links should be displayed, with the additional option to add your own custom link. The standard Meta widget that comes with WordPress offers n.........

Last Updated Shortcode

Creates the [lastupdated] shortcode to display the date and/or time of the last update to a post or page. If used without any arguments, it will display the date in the format configured in the Settings > General tab. It supports several optional arguments: format, before, and after. These option.........

Count Posts in a Category, Tag, or Custom Taxonomy

This plugin allows you to dynamically return the number of posts in a particular category, tag, or custom taxonomy. Inserting [cat_count value="category-slug"] in a post or page, or <?php do_shortcode('cat_count slug="category-slug" '); ?> anywhere in WordPress' code will return the number of .........

Count Children

This plugin allows you to dynamically return the number of children for a particular page. Inserting [children page="page-slug"] in a post or page, or <?php do_shortcode('children page="page-slug" '); ?> anywhere in WordPress' code will return the number of children for that particular page. .........


This plugin creates an admin paged called Blacklist under the Settings menu that contains 3 text boxes which are automatically populated with lists of all the IP addresses, urls, and email addresses of comments marked as spam. These lists can also be sorted by instance number, making it easier to id.........

Add Comments

Adds an options page that has a dropdown menu of all your posts and pages. You select what author information you want to appear, and paste a block of text into the comment section. Use %*% to break the text into seperate comments....


Shortcode to add a button that loads either the value of a given HTML form element or a supplied string to the clipboard when clicked on. The button is Flash (as required for security reasons in Flash 10+), but it mimics the look and behavior of the default WordPress buttons fairly closely. Use the.........

Super Simple Contact Form

This plugin creates the shortcode [contact] which will insert a small contact form. There are only name, email, subject, and message fields and the email will be sent to the administrator account's email address. There are no options at all....

Nofollow Shortcode

This plugin allows you to insert links with the nofollow rel tag to prevent search engines from crawling them. The shortcode also supports target= and title= attributes....

Literal Shortcode

A shortcode used to display other shortcodes, html tags, and ascii characters without having them reverted by the WYSIWYG editor. Does [ ], < >, and custom chr codes with several easy to remember shortcodes for each....

Remove Image Links

Right now, all over the internet there are people clicking on images on WordPress sites for no purpose. Why? As a mouse cursor passes over an image, they see a hand cursor, indicating that the image is a link to something. On clicking, to their surprise, all they see is an image of the image... The.........

Super Simple Google Analytics

This is a bare bones option for people who are looking to simply insert the basic Google Analytics tracking code into the head section of every page without any fuss. I've only included the essential options; it's not very exciting, but works reliably....

Drug Half-Life Calculator

This plugin allows you to add a widget to your sidebar or shortcode to a page or post that displays a simple drug half life calculator. The calculator outputs the concentration of the drug that will remain in your system over a period of time. The plugin accepts two values: half-life and dosage. Y.........