Author: Marc Related WordPress Plugins

Jetpack by

Jetpack adds powerful features previously only available to users including customization, traffic, mobile, content, and performance tools. Features include: Customization. Make your WordPress site uniquely yours with Custom CSS, Carousels, spam-free Contact Forms, Sidebar Widgets, .........

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget

This plugin adds a new Visual Editor widget type that allows you to insert rich text and media objects in your sidebars with no hassle. The default WordPress text widget lacks of functionalities and it requires HTML knowledge, this plugin was born to overcome these limitations. With Black Studio Tin.........

Google Analytics Dashboard for WP

This Google Analytics for WordPress plugin enables you to track your site using the latest Google Analytics tracking code and allows you to view key Google Analytics reports in your WordPress install. In addition to a set of general Google Analytics reports, in-depth Page reports and in-depth Post .........


"WP-Appbox" ermöglicht es, via Shortcode schnell und einfach App-Details von Apps aus einer Reihe an App Stores in Artikeln oder auf Seiten anzuzeigen. Das Plugin bietet dabei (bisher) folgende App Stores an: Amazon App Shop (Android) App Store und Mac App Store (auch App-Bundles) Chrome Web Store.........

EU Cookie Law

EU Cookie Law is a light, elegant and powerful solution that allows your website to comply the european cookie law by informing users that your site has cookies, with a popup for more information and option to lock scripts before acceptance (as required by Italian Law - Garante della Privacy dispos.........

Simplr Registration Form Plus+

NEW FEATURES The Plus version of this plugin is now free! It includes reCAPTCHA, Facebook Connect, Custom Field UI, Moderation, Custom Confirmation messages. More info at This plugin creates a user interface for adding custom registration form.........


Types let's you customize the WordPress admin by adding content types, custom fields and taxonomies. You will be able to craft the WordPress admin and turn it into your very own content management system. ...

WooCommerce (nl) (alternative)

Supports WooCommerce Version 2.4.8. Supports Storefront Version 1.5.1. This plugin requires the WooCommerce plugin. It is an alternative to the WooCommerce (nl) plugin which uses the formal 'u' form. This plugin uses the informal 'je' form....

Featured Image From URL

Allows you to use an external image (from Flickr, Picasa, Amazon S3, anywhere etc) as Featured Image of your post or page....

Preserved HTML Editor Markup Plus

This plugin preserves the user-generated HTML markup in the TinyMCE editor. Unlike other plugins this one allows developers to work in the HTML tab AND end-users to work in the WYSIWYG Visual tab at the same time! No longer will your HTML markup be completely munged into an unrecognizable form whe.........


CMB2-qTranslate is WordPress plugin for CMB2 and qTranslate X integration. Adds language switch buttons above selected CMB2 fields to make content translatable. Supported CMB2 field types: input textarea wysiwyg repeatable field groups In order to make field translatable add .cmb2-qtranslate cl.........

Link Checker

The Link Checker for WordPress uses an external service to crawl your website and and find broken links and images on your website. In contrast to search engine tools like the Google Search Console, which only show if a URL on your website is not reachable, it does not matter for the Link Checker i.........

Telegram Bot

This plugin is in beta. Please let us know bugs, feedback and ideas Bots are simply Telegram accounts operated by software – not people – and they'll often have AI features. They can do anything – teach, play, search, broadcast, remind, connect, integrate with other services, or even pass comma.........


Display cool, animated flyout or fade box with related content. Just like New York Times. When a reader scrolls to the bottom of a single post, page or custom post type, a button animates in the page’s bottom right or left corner, allowing the reader to select the previous or random available post .........

Sitemap Generator

The Sitemap Generator uses an external service to crawl your website and create a XML sitemap of your website. The generator works thus for every plugin out of the box. The computation costs for your website is also very low because the crawler acts like a normal visitor, who visits all pages of you.........