Author: Marcus Downing Related WordPress Plugins

Site PIN

Whenever a site is under development, or its content should remain private, you want to prevent to general public from reading it - whether deliberately or by accident. A comman way to do this is with HTTP authorisation, but this has some problems: Each user of your site has two different sets of.........

Link Badges

Whenever your content contains a link to a file, this plugin can display: An icon for the link The type of file The size of the file ...

Bang System Logging

Enable system logging for WordPress plugin and theme development. This can make it easier to know what your code is doing. Features include: Log to the system log or to a file Easily append or embed any value in log messages Coloured logs indicating strings, numbers, arrays, objects, null values .........

Excerpt Tools

A simple plugin to enhance your use of the_excerpt() function. Allows you to change the default title and description of the excerpt box, add an excerpt box to pages and show a customizable jQuery character counter with the ability to limit the amount of characters. The jQuery character counter fro.........

Third Column

Add the option for a third column on the Edit Post and Edit Page screens. This is useful if you have a lot of boxes on your edit screen, from custom taxonomies and plugins. Also adds a pair of mini columns underneath the edit boxes, giving you space for more small boxes....

Page Identifier Column

Adds an "Identifier" column to the All Posts and All Pages admin panels, and to any custom post types. This column goes just after the Title column and shows each page's slug, indented if necessary....

Subtitle Filter

When writing or modifying a theme, the function wp_nav_menu() displays the contents of menus configured in your settings. If you have a lot of little menus the list can get hard to manage, so this plugin lets you group several menus under a single menu. To use it, simply add a submenu parameter to .........

Post Taxonomy Column

This plugin improves the All Posts or All Pages view in the admin section by adding columns for any taxonomy you wish. There are two ways to use it: Use the setting page to select the taxonomies. Write code to add a column in exactly the right place. ...

MU Central Taxonomies

Sometimes you want the different sites on a multisite network to share their taxonomies. This plugin forces a child site to use its parent's taxonomies instead of its own....

Child Order

Adds an admin panel when editing edit pages, to let you rearrange this page's child pages and switch their display on/off. This will only affect parts of your theme that display a list of links to child pages, and only those which respect the menu_order setting. It has no effect on Menus. You need .........

Bang Faceted Search

A faceted search is one that allows you to drill down by various fields: price, size, colour, shipping location etc. It complements a free text search rather than replaces it. Using this plugin, you can create a faceted search interface for your pages and posts, or any other custom post type. You.........

Post-Specific Widgets

Add page-specific widget areas to templates with a Sidebars: header: <?php /* Template Name: Photos template Sidebars: notes (Photo Notes) */ ... Use these sidebars the normal way: dynamic_sidebar('notes'); At present this only works on Pages....