Author: Marius Related WordPress Plugins

WP Product Review

If you want to see a live demo of the review plugin + rich snippets you can check ...

Visualizer: Charts and Graphs

WordPress Visualizer plugin is a simple, easy to use and quite powerful tool to create, manage and embed interactive charts into your WordPress posts and pages. The plugin uses Google Visualization API to render charts, which support cross-browser compatibility (adopting VML for older IE versions) .........

Revive Old Post (Former Tweet Old Post)

If you want to see a live demo of the plugin you can check ...

Intergeo Maps - Google Maps Plugin

The Intergeo Google Maps plugin is a simple, easy and in the same time quite powerful tool for handling Google Maps in your website. The plugin allows users to create new maps by using powerful UI builder. Created maps could be easily edited and saved with new settings. To increase the speed of crea.........

Mapping of image posts

Generate a mapping of image - article it belongs, by scanning all attachments....

Orphan Word

This plugin will handle the orphan words from: post/page title, widget title, widget text and comment text. An orphan is the first line of a paragraph that lands all by itself at the bottom of a column or page. Designers sometimes also refer to the single-word last line of a paragraph as either a wi.........


This plugin displays the most visited posts as a widget using data extracted from Google Analytics. It is designed to work with high-traffic sites and all types of caching....

Custom Login Page Customizer

Custom Login Page Customizer plugin allows you to easily customize your login page straight from your WordPress Customizer! You can preview your custom login changes before you save them! Awesome, right? In your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Custom Login Page Customizer to ge.........

Stop SOPA by Zachary

The site will look dark and will have just one spot of light. This spot of light will move with the mouse cursor, and the message will be revealed....

String locator

When working on themes and plugins you often notice a piece of text that appears hardcoded into the files, you need to modify it, but you don't know where it's located in the theme files. Easily search through your themes, plugins or the WordPress core and be presented with a list of files, the mat.........

Post Attached Media Downloads

Add media to posts and pages (even Custom Post Types!) to quickly and easily generate download lists for your content....

WP Fragment Cache

This plugin requires PHP version 5.3.6 or greater and can't be activated without a persistent backend for the WordPress Object Cache. Adds ability to cache particular sections of your site. This plugin is for people who can't use a full page cache or for sites with lots of pages and with frequent c.........

Simple customize

Personalise your own website, no matter what theme and what customization options are added by the themes creator. When active, the plugin will add a new section to your Customize screen entitled Simple Customize, containing input fields for various elements needed to display a new customize option.........

Text to Speech

Javascript tool for transforming the text into speech. Based on eSpeak code made by Jonathan Duddington. Relevant links:

Anytheme Lock Theme

This plugin lock the site at specific theme. You can activate any theme you want, the site will look like the locked theme. Into the code of plugin there are 3 php variables. <?php $anytheme_lock_theme = 'Twenty Ten'; $anytheme_lock_stylesheet = 'twentyten'; $anytheme_lock_t.........