Author: Mark Wilkinson Related WordPress Plugins

WP Post Type Meta

WP Post Type Meta adds a sub menu item underneath each custom post type for your site. By default this sub menu allows you to add a post type description, which can be used, for example, on post type archives. The plugins extensible features allow developers to easily add additional fields to this .........

WP Basis

WP Basis is a WordPress plugin that speeds up your WordPress development process by providing functions we add to every site. It cleans up the dashboard for your clients users providing a simpler version of the WordPress dashboard. It also contains a number of functions, hooks and filters to allow y.........

WP Limit Tags

The plugin provides a settings screen where you can set the maximum number of tags which are allowed to be assigned to posts. It also allows you to choose which post types have restricted tag assignment. It works for all taxonomies that are non-hierarchical. On the post edit screen, for those posts.........

Whistles Utilities

The plugin adds the following features to the Whistles plugin which needs to be installed for this plugin work: An additional widget to allow you to display the contents of a single Whistle post in a sidebar Removes the additional Whistle Groups sub menu item from the Appearance menu and places a .........

WP Front End Profile

WP Front End Profile give you the ability to add a extensible user profile section to the front end of your WordPress website. By default the plugin adds two tabs to the front end profile. One of these titled profile allows a user to edit their user data including email, first and last names, URL an.........

Admin Bar User Switching

An admin bar “Switch to User” option is provided which on hover provides a search box where you can query a user to switch to. The results are links to switch to that user. This plugin is great for when you are building sites for clients and it is beneficial to see the site as your logged in client .........

WP Admin Display Hooks

WP Admin Display Hooks is a simple plugin that outputs the name of a WordPress admin hook, in the WordPress admin. This allows developers to more easily decide which hooks to use when needing to output content on the WordPress admin screens....

WP Broadbean

If you are running a version of WP Broadbean less than version 2.0 please DO NOT UPDATE. WP Broadbean is a plugin designed to work alongside the Broadbean Adcourier job posting system allowing jobs added to Broadbean to show in your WordPress site. The plugin adds custom post types and taxonomi.........

Simple Widget Classes

The Simple Widget Classes plugin provides an additional text input for each widget added to a sidebar. Custom classes (space seperated) can be added here to add custom classes to the widget output on the front end....

Flexible Featured Post Widget

This plugin allow you to mark posts (by default) as featured, using a checkbox added to the post edit screen in the Publish meta box. You can then display a random, or the latest, featured post in any sidebar using the widget. The widget provides many flexible options such as choosing whether to dis.........


Simvoicing (short for Simple Invoicing) is a really simple way to create simple invoices in WordPress. It allows you to create clients, storing invoice to details and link them to invoices. Each invoice can have multiple rows of services/products and each invoice can have a set tax (or VAT) rate and.........