Author: Related WordPress Plugins

MWP Skype

Let your visitors easily contact you via Skype! * Just enter your skype account * And insert the button anywhere with a shortcode...

MWP Herd Effect

Create a notifications template and let the fake notifications run on your website! Show how much action there is on your website to motivate visitors to join that action!...

MWP Countdown

Create limited-time or limited-amount countdowns...

MWP Modal Windows

Create modal windows and insert any kind of content....

MWP Forms

Create simple forms & insert them anywhere with a shortcode...

MWP Viral Signup

This plugin is a unique, the one and only, plugin that enables you to easily create a signup form with limited amount of availablable spaces. Moreover, it enables you to turn on the viral sharing and make the users work for you and bring you referrals. Just promise and deliver an incentive for them,.........

MWP Side Menu

Build fixed vertical slideout menu with built-in font awesome icons. Put your content in front of the user with the attention-grabbing side menu!...