Author: Matt Wiebe Related WordPress Plugins

Jetpack by

Jetpack adds powerful features previously only available to users including customization, traffic, mobile, content, and performance tools. Features include: Customization. Make your WordPress site uniquely yours with Custom CSS, Carousels, spam-free Contact Forms, Sidebar Widgets, ......... Theme Updater

Your themes might need updating, but who wants to update them manually? This plugin enables seamless updating of your themes right in the WordPress updater, no fuss, no muss, even on multisite networks....

Move to Subsite

Many older WP sites used categories and/or pages to organize what were essentially subsites without proper access control and other site-specific goodies like themes, widgets, and plugins. This plugin lets you move that content to another site on your WordPress network with a single click, with sea.........

Markdown on Save Improved

This plugin is deprecated. Use the much-better-supported and more-frequently-updated Markdown module in Jetpack, by the same author. This plugin will not receive any updates or support from here on out. WordPress will process your post with Markdown unless you tell it not to. You probably won't wan.........

HTML Editor Type

The HTML editor has not received a lot of love. The type is too small, especially when you see it in the new distraction-free writing mode. This plugin uses the lovely M+ 2m font (the font I use for coding every day) for more beautiful writing. M+ also has extensive international support. From its .........

Sane Visual Editor

Locks down the TinyMCE visual editor with a sane set of buttons that will help your authors to not insert disruptive styles. 3rd-party buttons are maintained, so your other plugins should keep working if they add buttons....

Speaker Deck Embed

Add Speaker Deck presentations really easily. Just paste the URL on its own line in your post editor, like: This plugin talks to Speaker Deck's oEmbed provider and transparently embeds your slideshow. Or, us.........

Kill Adminbar Search

Kills the adminbar search field. I said that already, right?...

Network Enable All Themes

I already described it above. Use it in a development environment only!...

Disable Twitter Embeds

WordPress 3.4 introduced native Twitter embeds. You may not want to use these for privacy--or other--reasons, while still allowing for other embeds. This plugin disables only Twitter embeds....

Advanced Post Manager

This is a tool for developers who want to turbo-charge their custom post type listings with metadata, taxonomies, and more. An intuitive interface for adding (and saving) complex filtersets is provided, along with a drag-and-drop interface for choosing and ordering columns to be displayed. Metaboxes.........