Author: Michel - xiligroup dev Related WordPress Plugins


on monolingual website (blog or CMS) xili-tidy-tags is a tool for grouping tags by semantic groups and sub-groups. This tags aggregator can also, by instance, be used to group tags according two or more main parts of the CMS website. It is also possible to create group of tags in parallel of catego.........


xili-language provides for a bilingual (or multilingual) website an automatic selection of language (.mo) in theme according to the language of current post(s) or page. Theme's behaviour can be fully personalized through settings, hooks and api. Ready for CMS developers and designers. xili-languag.........


xili-dictionary is a dictionary storable in custom post type (CPT) and terms (custom taxonomy) to create, update and translate .po files or .mo files of current theme folder and of current plugins. xili-dictionary is a plugin (compatible with plugin xili-language) to build a multilingual dictionar.........

xili sIFR3 active

xili-sIFR3-active activate the modules of sIFR3 in your current theme and detect the specific configurations for sIFR3 in your theme or child theme. prerequisite This first version is for "themes" designer and developer with knowledges about sIFR3 :sIFR3 documentation and Site to generate .swf font.........

xili re/un-attach media

This plugin named - xili re/un-attach media - adds Unattach, Reattach new actions in Media Library Table list to manage attachments in the File column just after View action. In single page to edit Media, a metabox about linked post and the new actions. This plugin is only active in admin (dashboard.........

xili Post in Post

xili-postinpost provides a triple toolkit to insert post(s) everywhere in webpage - outside or inside WP loop - . The displayed post(s) are resulting of queries (see codex) like those in WP loop but not interfere with main WP loop. Widget contains conditional syntax. Template tag function xi_posti.........

Xili-theme select

Xili-theme select is an automatic selector of theme according a series of defined rules: one for current browsers and anothers for (each) mobile browsers (iPhone, iPad, and more). The plugin xili-theme select don't content itself themes. The available themes remain in Themes folder and are selected.........

xili floom slideshow

xili-floom-slideshow integrates the Floom slideshow in wordpress theme. Floom slideshow designed by Oskar Krawczyk under MIT license is wonderful and amazing. For integration inside wordpress, it can be awesome ! xili-floom-slideshow tries to install it automatically but also allows personalization.........