Author: Milan Dinić Related WordPress Plugins

Spam Destroyer

Stops automated spam while remaining as unobtrusive as possible to regular commenters. The Spam Destroyer plugin is intended to be effortless to use. Simply install, and enjoy a spam free website :)...

Cache Images

Plugin homepage | Plugin author Cache Images is a plugin that gives users option to sideload images that are hosted on other domains to their own site. Sideloaded images are added to WordPress media library so you can use all tools related to images that you can use with images uploaded through Wor.........

Rename Media Files

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate This plugin enables renaming of media files. It adds a field in media edit form where you can enter new file name. After renaming, it'll regenerate all intermediate image sizes (if media file is an image) and update all links inside posts. If you are transl.........

Clean Expired Transients

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate This plugin cleans every transient from database older than one minute using safe native WordPress function. It works on multisite too. By default, it will check for expired transients once daily, though you can call it any time using Clean_Expired_Transien.........

Disable Automatic Background Updates

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate This plugin disables every type of background automatic update (for core, plugins, themes, and languages) automatically, without need to manually choose any setting or option. It is a very lightweight, it has no settings, just activate it and it works immed.........

Simple Email Queue

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Premium Version | Donate Simple Email Queue is a WordPress plugin that is used to pass restrictions set by your host on number of sent emails in given period. This free version is only useful for developers. If you want to use it with in full capacity, consider bu.........

bbPress Digest

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate This plugin enables sending of a digests with a list of topics active on a bbPress-powered forum in the last 24 hours or 7 days. Users are able to choose on their profile edit pages (both built-in and from bbPress) whether or not they want to receive digest.........

Descriptions as Captions in Galleries

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate Image descriptions are stored as content (field post_content) while captions are stored as excerpt (field post_excerpt). This means that descriptions are shown on single attachment pages, while captions are shown in galleries and if image is embedded in a po.........

Conditional Simple Colorbox

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate This is an extension to Simple Colorbox plugin by Ryan Hellyer, if you don't have it activated nothing will happen. When you use Simple Colorbox, it loads Colorbox files on each page. This plugin changes that and loads Colorbox files in footer of page only .........

Disable Google Fonts

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate This plugin stops loading of Open Sans and other fonts used by WordPress and bundled themes (Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen, Twenty Fourteen, Twenty Fifteen) from Google Fonts. Reasons for not using Google Fonts might be privacy and security, local developm.........

Run External Crons

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate This plugin enables using WordPress as a cron system that would hit external URLs (ie. any URL) on a scheduled basis. User can submit URL and interval in which that URL should be opened by WordPress. This can be used, for example, for other WordPress sites .........

Admin Bar Plugin Switcher

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate This plugin adds a menu in admin bar that enables toggling of activation status of plugins. It can be helpful to developers who want to quickly see something before and after plugin is activated. Note that it has no settings, just activate it and it works i.........

Post to Queue

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate Don't want to publish all of your posts at once but hate manual scheduling/rescheduling? Post to Queue comes as a solution. You just put posts to queue and they'll be published automatically when chosen time passes since last published post of that post type.........

Purge Cache for CloudFlare

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Premium Version | Donate Purge Cache for CloudFlare is a simple plugin that uses CloudFlare® API to purge cache of full HTML pages when a new post is made. This free version is only indended for basic usage. If you want to use it in full capacity, consider buying .........

Better Serbian Search

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate Better Serbian Search is a plugin for WordPress that changes search string so that it searches for any variant of a string in Serbian language. For example, string "Ђоковић" can also be written as "Ðokovic", "Djokovic", "Djokovic", or some variation of thos.........