Author: Mohammad Jangda Related WordPress Plugins


Batcache uses Memcached to store and serve rendered pages. It can also optionally cache redirects. It's not as fast as Donncha's WP-Super-Cache but it can be used where file-based caching is not practical or not desired. For instance, any site that is run on more than one server should use Batcache .........


This plugin adds support for the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project, which is an an open source initiative that aims to provide mobile optimized content that can load instantly everywhere. With the plugin active, all content on your site will have dynamically generated AMP-compatible versions, .........

WP-Cron Control

This plugin allows you to take control over the execution of cron jobs. It's mainly useful for sites that either don't get enough comments to ensure a frequent execution of wp-cron or for sites where the execution of cron via regular methods can cause race conditions resulting in multiple execution .........

Custom Metadata Manager

An easy way to add custom fields to your object types (post, pages, custom post types, users) & to generate option pages. The goal of this plugin is to help you rapidly build familiar, intuitive interfaces for your users in a very WordPress-native way. The custom field panel is nice, but not q.........

Lazy Load

Lazy load images to improve page load times. Uses jQuery.sonar to only load an image when it's visible in the viewport. This plugin is an amalgamation of code written by the VIP team at Automattic, the TechCrunch 2011 Redesign team, and Jake Goldman (10up LLC). Uses jQuery.sonar by D.........

HTML Emails

Converts the default plain-text email notifications into fully customizable, sweet-lookin' HTML emails. Multi-site support (for WordPress 3.0) will be added soon. Notes: Emails are sent with readable plain-text versions for email clients that don't support HTML emails. Note: they're somewhat cru.........

Plugin Notes

Allows you to add notes to plugins. Useful when you're using lots of plugins and/or make modifications to a plugin and want to make a note of them, and/or work on your WordPress install with a group of people. This plugin was inspired by a post by Chris Coyier: (

Edit Flow

Edit Flow empowers you to collaborate with your editorial team inside WordPress. We've made it modular so you can customize it to your needs: Calendar - A convenient month-by-month look at your content. Custom Statuses - Define the key stages to your workflow. Editorial Comments - Threaded comment.........

Zone Manager (Zoninator)

This plugin is designed to help you curate your content. Assign and order stories within zones that you create, edit, and delete. Then use the handy API functions to retrieve and display your content in your theme. Or for those who are a bit code-averse, try the handy widget. Key features included.........


Are you troubled by strange iframe ad files in the middle of the night? Do you experience feelings of dread in your revision control and source code management system? Have you or any of your colleagues ever had to manually add these files to your site as your ads team keeps making new deals? If th.........


ShopLocket is the easiest way to sell products from your WordPress site. No expensive storefront to set up and no upfront or monthly fees. With ShopLocket, you can start selling on your WordPress blog in minutes. Simply use the ShopLocket product wizard to create a product and you’ll be able share a.........

Gravatar Enhanced

Gravatar Enhanced adds a couple of cool features to your site: The Retro (Generated) Gravatar Enable Hovercards Send customized Gravatar invitation emails to commenters on your site that don't have one! You can enable and manage the features from the "Discussion" Settings page. Just look for t.........

Co-Authors Plus

Assign multiple bylines to posts, pages, and custom post types via a search-as-you-type input box. Co-authored posts appear on a co-author's archive page and in their feed. Co-authors may edit the posts they are associated with, and co-authors who are contributors may only edit posts if they have no.........

VIP Scanner

Scan all sorts of themes and files and things. The plugin itself is simple a UI for the VIP Scanner library, which does all the heavy lifting. The library allows you to create arbitrary "Checks" (e.g. UndefinedFunctionCheck), group them together as Reviews ( Theme Review), and run them.........


Your readers want your updates as quickly as possible, and we think we provide the easiest and the most flexible publishing environment to make that happen. Sometimes though, that’s just not enough. When you’re covering a fast-paced event — the latest Apple unveiling, an F1 Grand Prix, or the Sup.........