Author: NateWr Related WordPress Plugins

Business Profile

Add your business contact details to your site with seo-friendly markup. This plugin adds a Contact Card widget and a [contact-card] shortcode. You can use these to display the following on any page: Business name Address Phone number Contact page link or email address Link to Google M.........

Asset Queue Manager

This tool allows you to monitor, dequeue and requeue scripts and styles that are enqueued on your site. It is designed for frontend performance engineers who want to view and manage all assets enqueued on any page and control the minification and concatenation themselves. For background, please rea.........

Social Venues for Events Calendar Pro

This plugin requires the Events Calendar Pro plugin by Modern Tribe. Add social media profiles to venues in Events Calendar Pro. Add links to a venue's profiles on Facebook, Twitter and more. These profiles will automatically be displayed on the venue's page. This plugin adds a new meta box to the.........

Restaurant Reservations

Accept restaurant reservations and table bookings online. Quickly confirm or reject bookings, send out custom email notifications, restrict booking times and more. Quickly confirm or reject a booking Receive an email notification when a booking request is made Notify a customer by email when their.........

Good Reviews for WordPress

Add reviews and testimonials to your website and easily display them in posts, pages or widgets using a search-engine-friendly Schema markup. This plugin will output reviews using markup to help search engines like Google identify and integrate the reviews with your listing. Add 5-star.........

Food and Drink Menu

Create a restaurant menu for cafes, bars and eateries, and display it in templates, posts, pages and widgets. This plugin creates two new post types, Menu Items and Menus, which can be used to easily construct a menu. Create items on your menu, group them into sections and then build menus out of t.........