Author: Olar Marius Related WordPress Plugins

Mapping of image posts

Generate a mapping of image - article it belongs, by scanning all attachments....

Orphan Word

This plugin will handle the orphan words from: post/page title, widget title, widget text and comment text. An orphan is the first line of a paragraph that lands all by itself at the bottom of a column or page. Designers sometimes also refer to the single-word last line of a paragraph as either a wi.........


This plugin displays the most visited posts as a widget using data extracted from Google Analytics. It is designed to work with high-traffic sites and all types of caching....

Stop SOPA by Zachary

The site will look dark and will have just one spot of light. This spot of light will move with the mouse cursor, and the message will be revealed....

Text to Speech

Javascript tool for transforming the text into speech. Based on eSpeak code made by Jonathan Duddington. Relevant links:

Anytheme Lock Theme

This plugin lock the site at specific theme. You can activate any theme you want, the site will look like the locked theme. Into the code of plugin there are 3 php variables. <?php $anytheme_lock_theme = 'Twenty Ten'; $anytheme_lock_stylesheet = 'twentyten'; $anytheme_lock_t.........

1 Decembrie 1918

Activati acest plugin si veti avea in partea dreapta, sus, o panglica tricolora care va va trimite catre pagina Daca doriti sa schimbati URL-ul atunci puteti face acest lucru in pagina de Optiuni a modulului. Aveti de asemenea si optiuni precum: * modificare link imagine; m.........

Vasaio QR Code

This plugin will insert standalone QR code with permalink or another content....

Theme per user

Load one Theme for a specific user. You must set the theme from User Profile then logout and login again in order to take effect....