Author: OpenAttribute Related WordPress Plugins

Open Attribute

OpenAttribute allows you to add licensing information to your WordPress site and individual blogs. It places information into posts and RSS feeds as well as other user friendly features. This plugin is an part of the OpenAttribute project which is part of Mozilla Drumbeat. Please see http://www.pgo.........

Picture finder

This plugin was developed for the Politics InSpires ( project at the University of Oxford. The project was JISC Funded, and sits as part of "Open Spires" (ttp:// Open Spires is a project led by the Learning Technologies Group, Oxford Universit.........

Advanced Picture finder

This plugin was developed for the Politics InSpires ( project at the University of Oxford. The project was JISC Funded, and sits as part of "Open Spires" (ttp:// Open Spires is a project led by the Learning Technologies Group, Oxford Universit.........