Author: Piotr Potrebka Related WordPress Plugins

Better Contextual Help

Extend your dashboard help by adding new tabs or replacing old ones. You can add tab for the specific roles and screens. You can export and import content help. Go to the settings to be able to post for help....

Post Expiring

Allows you to add an expiration date to posts. ...

Category Custom Post Order

This plugin allows you to order the posts by drag & drop interface according to taxonomy. Working with custom taxonomies and post types. ...

Content Email Unlocker

Content Email Unlocker allows you to block content for people who are not subscribed to newsletter. To unlock content the user has to enter their email address. You can set the confirmation e-mail address. If user is already registered, the content will show without sending confirmation. Go to set.........

WCAG Validator

WCAG Validator check all posts with the WCAG standard You can validate all post in Tools > WCAG Validator. When you update the post validator generate also a new report....