Author: Poco Related WordPress Plugins

Blogger Title Fix

If you have ever imported a Blogger blog into WordPress you probably have some posts that were originally missing a title. During the import, a title (and post slug) was created for the post that looks like a large numerical value. I believe this is the original Blogger post ID, I guess the importer.........

Blogger Image Import

This plugin searches your blog posts for images that are hosted on Blogger ( or, downloads them to your server, and updates your posts to refer to the downloaded versions....

This plugin provides you the daily weather forecast for the locations you choose. With no configuration, you will be able to manage widgets and shortcodes with no hassle. Features: Ability to specify a different language for each widget/shortcode. Locations all over the world. Tons of options and.........

Coinwidget Shortcode

This plugin adds the shortcode [coinwidget] to embed a bitcoin donation button. See Since the source has not changed in some time, this plugin is now based on a branch available at To get public informatio.........

Google Calendar Widget

This plugin installs a widget for showing a Google Calendar agenda on the sidebar. Once installed it adds a sidebar widget called 'Google Calendar' that may be dragged into your sidebar. Each widget can be configured with a ID of the calendar feed, a title, and the number of agenda items to show. T.........