Author: Presslabs Related WordPress Plugins

Mapping of image posts

Generate a mapping of image - article it belongs, by scanning all attachments....


This plugin displays the most visited posts as a widget using data extracted from Google Analytics. It is designed to work with high-traffic sites and all types of caching....

PressLabs Site Protection

Site protection plugin for dev instances to avoid indexing by search engines. Doesn't allow access to the site without being logged-in. After you activate this plugin the site will return a 403 Forbidden HTTP status code if you are not logged-in....


AutoVer plugin will automatically version your CSS and JS files. This is especially useful when using a Content Distribution Network (CDN) for delivering static files like CSS and JavaScripts. The plugin appends to the resource URL a numeric version number generated by the filemtime() PHP function (.........


Convert all your database character sets to utf8, trying to follow Codex guides. You should use this if you are experiencing double utf8 encoding. You can check this by setting DB_CHARSET in your wp-config.php file to latin1 or commenting the line; if your characters look good now on your site than .........

Theme per user

Load one Theme for a specific user. You must set the theme from User Profile then logout and login again in order to take effect....