Author: Rachel Carden Related WordPress Plugins

Lock Your Updates Plugins/Themes Manager

It hopefully doesn't happen alot, but sometimes you have to edit the core code of a plugin or theme. It's not ideal, and it sucks, but, whatever the reason, you had to do it. Now you're worried you're going to forget about your edit, update your plugin or theme (as you usually should), and lose your.........

CPT-onomies: Using Custom Post Types as Taxonomies

CPT-onomies is a multisite compatible WordPress plugin that allows you to create very powerful taxonomies and, therefore, very powerful relationships between your posts. CPT-onomies are Custom-Post-Type-powered taxonomies that function just like regular WordPress taxonomies, even allowing you to us.........

Authors Autocomplete Meta Box

Replaces the default WordPress Author meta box (that has an author dropdown) with a meta box that allows you to select the post's, or page's, author via Autocomplete. Can really come in handy if you have a lot of authors and are tired of scrolling through that long author dropdown....

Rock The Slackbot

What is Slack? Slack is a team collaboration tool that offers chat rooms organized by topic, as well as private groups and direct messaging. It's a great way to be productive with your team without clogging up your inbox....

Show Me The Admin

The WordPress admin bar makes it really easy to move between viewing your site and editing your site but sometimes the toolbar itself can be intrusive. "Show Me The Admin" is a WordPress plugin that hides your toolbar and enables you to make it appear, and disappear, using a variety of methods....

wA11y - The Web Accessibility Toolbox

wA11y is a WordPress plugin that provides a toolbox of resources to help you improve the accessibility of your WordPress website. If you would like to contribute to the plugin, or report issues, please go through the wA11y Github repo....