Author: Raulanton Related WordPress Plugins

Email Mentioned

This ultra lightweight plugin send a customizable email to each user mentioned in a comment. Mentions: A mention is an username preceded by the mention qualifier. Username: This plugin will look for the username in display_names and logins Qualifier: Can be a character but also a string. The de.........

Commenters can add tags

This plugin allow commenters to add a tag to a post, just by using a customized prefix (by default #) before words in comments. I18N: This plugin is I18N ok....

Login Embedded

Login Embedded is a lightweight customizable plugin that allow to create a multiauthor blog without using backend. (In fact it can be custom to hide backend except to admin users). There are 2 embedded forms to be used that can be embedded in templates or pages (with shortcodes). Login/register co.........