Author: Rick Radko Related WordPress Plugins

R3DF Multisite Language Indicator

A plugin that adds language indicators, either a flag, locale or language, beside the site title of sites to help identify similarly named sites in multilingual multisites. This is most helpfull in sites with admin language selectors, where the admin language does not reflect the site language. The.........

R3DF Multisite Blog Slug Remover

This plugin removes the '/blog' slug from the main site permalinks of a sub-folder multisite install. The intended purpose for this plugin is for multilingual installations where the main site is the default language (although I'm sure there are other applications). These sites are of often for bus.........

R3DF Dashboard Language Switcher

This plugin allows logged in users to select the language they would like to use when viewing the WordPress dashboard. It works with multisite and single site installs of WordPress....

R3DF Meetup Widget

A simple widget for use with a group. The plugin adds a widget that shows a link to your Meetup group. Simply enter your Meetup group name and it's URL and save. You can display the widget with or without a title. Support Support for this plugin is limited to fixing confirmed bugs an.........

R3DF Beaver Builder TinyMCE Advanced Icon Fix

Restores correct font types to the font icons in TinyMCE when using TinyMCE Advanced with the Beaver Builder page builder plugin. This plugin will not fix or help with missing buttons/icons added by other plugins....