Author: Simon Fransson Related WordPress Plugins

Any Hostname

Any Hostname alters all WordPress-generated URLs according to the servers current hostname, so that they will always correspond to the actual hostname as entered by the user, as opposed to always using the URL specified in the WordPress options. The plugin is ideal for making a site available across.........

Logged in

Allows you to close your site to non-logged in users, by redirecting them to the login page, displaying a message or a specific template file. The plugin can be configured to redirect visitors to login page, display a short message using your themes layout or display a fallback file located in your .........

Password Change Notification

This plugin lets you send users an email with the new password whenever their password changes. Disclainmer: It should be noted that sending passwords in cleartext is VERY MUCH ADVISED AGAINST, and you should probably not never ever be using this plugin in production envorinment....