Author: Ste_95 Related WordPress Plugins

Post Pay Counter

Easily calculate and handle authors' pay on a multi-author blog by computing posts' remuneration basing on admin defined rules. The administrator can specify criteria upon which payments should be computed and the stats will immediately be viewable. Both a general view with all users and a specific .........

Smart Tag Insert

Once you have defined a list of tags, this plugin will add a box in the post editing page through which look for relevant tags basing on the post content. The most relevant will automatically be selected (although the selection can be changed), and selected tags can be added to the post with a click.........

Posts To Do List

Most people who run a multi-author blog need to tell their writers what post they should write. And so administrators send emails with a URL of the post source, the keyword for the post, any notes accompanying that. And sometimes a user notices a post that is worth writing and he wants to tell the o.........

Rel Nofollow

When a post is saved, the plugin adds the rel="nofollow" attributes to post links. The plugin also provides an apt checkbox to exclude a post from plugin's action....

bbPress - Anonymous Subscriptions

This add-on plugin for bbPress will allow anonymous users to subscribe to topics and get email notifications when a new reply is posted. The notification email includes an unsubscribe link. bbPress notifications will keep to go out to registered users, this plugin only extends the thing to anonymou.........

Post Pay Counter - WP-Slimstat visits

This little addon allows integration of WP-Slimstat visits data with Post Pay Counter. This way, you will be able to use Post Pay Counter to pay your writers per visit using the tracking functions of WP-Slimstat. Requires both Post Pay Counter and WP-Slimstat (both free)....