Author: Timothy Jacobs Related WordPress Plugins

External Products Add-on for iThemes Exchange

External Products gives you the capability to list external products in your store. Customize the outgoing URL and Purchase Button text for each product. External Products will automatically keep track of both the total number, and who clicked the purchase button of each external product....

Umbrella Memberships WP Courseware Connector

Connector add-on for iThemes Exchange's Umbrella Memberships and WP Courseware. This plugin requires Umbrella Memberships for iThemes Exchange, WP Courseware and Membership for iThemes Exchange....

Gravity Forms Checkout Info: IT Exchange

This plugin allows you to create a Gravity Form for your customers to fill out during the checkout process. Can be controlled on a per-product basis. Requires iThemes Exchange and Gravity Forms....

Terms of Service for iThemes Exchange

Make your customers agree to your Terms of Service before checking out. Allows for store-wide terms, and additional per-product terms....

Members Only Products Add-on for iThemes Exchange

This plugin allows you to restrict the purchase product to customers who have purchased a desired membership. You can only let members purchase the product, offer it to members for free, or even charge an additional fee for non-members. Requires iThemes Exchange and the Membership Add-on....

Assign WP Roles for iThemes Exchange

This plugin allows you to assign roles to customers when they purchase certain products. Requires iThemes Exchange. Plugin is in beta form. Unexpected outcomes might occur if a user purchased multiple products that each have their own role assigned. Recommended only for use with multi-item cart d.........

Prorated Subscriptions Addon for iThemes Exchange

Prorated subscriptions allows you to prorate subscriptions until a preset date. For example, if you have a yearly membership that costs $365 and renews January 1, and someone purchases it with only 94 days remaining, they will only pay $94, and their subscription will renew on January 1 instead of .........