Author: Victor Freitas Related WordPress Plugins

Social Sharing Buttons by Victor Freitas

Github | Twitter | Donate Implement the sharing buttons of the major social networks, including the Whats App on your website or blog. The buttons are inserted automatically or can be called via shortcode or PHP method. Adds before, after the contents post or both Create a new table to st.........

WP Security by Victor Freitas

Remove the version of WordPress HTML content from anywhere in the site. Automatically removes the version of WordPress HTML content of your site: "The contents of this comment is the responsibility of: {AUTHOR}" ...

WPUpper Share Buttons

Implement the Share Buttons of the major social networks, including the Whats App on your website or blog. The buttons are inserted automatically or can be called via shortcode or PHP method. If you like the plugin, feel free to rate it (on the right side of this page) or donate. I am very pleas.........