Author: Vinicius Massuchetto Related WordPress Plugins

Advanced Custom Fields Limiter

Insert JavaScript character limiters in Advanced Custom Fields. You set a limit for each field, and a character counter will appear next to them in the admin interface. Links Plugin Page GitHub Repository ...

Sitemap Files Generator

When you have a large number os posts it's impossible to create sitemaps by using pseudocron or hooks like save_post. This plugin will require a system cron schedule to visit a secret URL and trigger the sitemap dump procedure. It splits the sitemaps into 50,000 URLs each, and also tries to stabili.........

SQL Export

A small plugin with a screen to dump the MySQL database to a bzip2 file and download it. Useful for migrations and team development....

Get Post Image

Get Post Image can easily resize, adjust, flip, and make a lot of operations in the uploaded images right into the code. Site visitors can't actually make HTTP requests to generate the images because phpThumb was adjusted to allow only WordPress to do it. The image will be saved in the same director.........

Hierarchical URLs

Enables hierarchical URLs, making posts follow categories and parent categories to define their permalink. Assume a blog with the following category structure for posts: Music Rock Pop Food Indian Italian By default, their URLs will be category/%category-name%. Activating this plugin will .........

Better Front Page UI

The default way of defining a front page in WordPress is: Create a front-page.php for the site home and (optionally) a home.php for the posts home. Go to the site admin and create two dummy pages. Select these dummy pages in the reading settings for the front page and the posts home. We think th.........

WP Git Deploy

This is a plugin for managing website releases under production or development environments. Once the WordPress installation is in a Git tree, WP Deploy will detect its branches and put a switch menu in the admin bar. Like this, you can just push your website to your remote and use the menu to depl.........


In commercial theme development it's common to have different post listings across several positions of the theme. We usually end up creating post types and specific categories for users to put posts in these positions. This plugin creates a dedicated interface for post positioning and scheduling i.........

Publishing Stats

Adds an admin area to show a per-user publishing statistics with graphics and time options....

SSH2 Users Sync

This plugin syncronizes the users of a WordPress installation with a SSh2 server users in a simple manner like: If the user exists in the SSh2 server, then it can be created in the installation. You can also choose the group the user must be in the SSh2 server to be able to register. That's useful .........


This plugins is nothing else than a front-end to the nice S3Slider jQuery plugin that lets you: Upload and crop images; Set the size, order and timout of the slider; Edit a text to be shown on each image; S3Slider can be seen in action here....

Post Content Actions

Enable a set of shortcodes in the post content to set the post title, slug, categories, tags, custom fields and others. Useful for updating WordPress from platforms that don't fully support it, like e-mail and XMLRPC compatible apps....