Author: WooThemes Related WordPress Plugins

WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce

WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin that allows you to sell anything, beautifully. Built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, WooCommerce is the world’s favorite eCommerce solution that gives both store owners and developers complete control. With endless flexibility and access to hundreds of.........

WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration

This plugin provides the integration between Google Analytics and the WooCommerce plugin. You can link a referral to a purchase and add transaction information to your Google Analytics data. It also supports the new Universal Analytics, eCommerce and event tracking. Starting WooCommerce 2.1, this i.........

WooCommerce Mijireh Checkout

Mijireh Checkout provides a fully PCI Compliant, secure way to collect and transmit credit card data to your payment gateway while keeping you in control of the design of your site. Starting WooCommerce 2.2, this Mijireh Checkout will no longer be part of WooCommerce and will only be available by u.........

Projects by WooThemes

Create and display a portfolio of projects "Projects" by WooThemes is a clean and easy-to-use portfolio showcase management system for WordPress. Load in your recent projects, and display them on a specified page using our template system, or via a shortcode, widget or template tag. Projects integ.........

Storefront Product Pagination

A simple plugin that displays next and previous links on single product pages. A product thumbnail is displayed with the title revealed on hover. Products are ordered chronologically and the display can be customised in the Customizer. This plugin requires both the WooCommerce eCommerce plugin and .........

WooSidebars Sidebar Manager Converter

The WooFramework by WooThemes, the code that powers all WooThemes themes, used to contain a Sidebar Manager. Over time, this feature required a re-vamping and was rewritten from the ground up as a standalone plugin. WooSidebars, the newly-imagined Sidebar Manager, can work with any theme that suppor.........

Testimonials by WooThemes

"Testimonials by WooThemes" is a clean and easy-to-use testimonials management system for WordPress. Load in what your customers are saying about your business, and display the testimonials via a shortcode, widget or template tag on your website. Looking for a helping hand? View plugin documentatio.........

WooCommerce TL Birimi

Direkt olarak eklentiyi aktif ediyorsunuz sitenizde otomatik olarak TL simgesi gorunuyor. Dileyen arkadaslarimiz tl simgesi yerine TL yazdirabilir, bunun icin yenitl.php dosyasi icinde 34. satir da bulunan, <span class="TL"></span> kod yerine TL seklinde duzenleyerek dosyayi.........

WooFramework Branding

Using WooFramework Branding, it's possible to rebrand WooFramework version 6 or higher with your own logo, admin menu icon and menu label. Looking for a helping hand? View plugin documentation....

Portfolio to Projects Converter

Converts Portfolio items into Project items. This allows you to take your existing WooThemes Portfolio items and use them with our Projects plugin. Looking for a helping hand? View plugin documentation....

WooCommerce ShareDaddy Integration

This plugin provides the integration between ShareDaddy through Jetpack and the WooCommerce plugin. Starting WooCommerce 2.1, this integration will no longer be part of WooCommerce and will only be available by using this plugin. Contributions are welcome via the GitHub repository....

WooCommerce ShareThis Integration

This plugin provides the integration between ShareThis and the WooCommerce plugin. Starting WooCommerce 2.1, this integration will no longer be part of WooCommerce and will only be available by using this plugin. Contributions are welcome via the GitHub repository....

Subscribe & Connect

Use your website as a hub for connecting with your audience. Build a following on your social media profiles, by displaying links to each under your blog posts, pages and other content. The Subscribe & Connect plugin makes it easy for your visitors to find you on your various social media profi.........

Our Team by WooThemes

Team Member Management "Our Team by WooThemes" is a clean and easy-to-use team profile management system for WordPress. Load in your team members and display their profiles via a shortcode, widget or template tag on your website. Assign team members to a user, allowing team members to manage their .........

WooCommerce Quantity Increment

In WooCommerce 2.3, the quantity increment buttons have been depreciated, as most browsers now support <input type="number" />. However, you may want to keep them. Simply install and activate this plugin to do so. It optionally includes Number Polyfill, which is a polyfill for implementing t.........