Author: Yogesh Pawar Related WordPress Plugins

BuddyPress Registration Widget

This plugin provides BuddyPress registration form as a widget....


This plugin opens external links present in post in a new tab with query string parameter....

WePay Woocommerce addon

This plugin is an addon for WooCommerce to implement a payment gateway method for accepting Credit Cards Payments By merchants via WePay Payment Gateway...

Redirect After Comment To Custom Page

This plugin can be used to redirect to custom page after commenting....

Disable Lost Password Email

This plugin Disable Lost Password Email functionality for all the users....

Bulk Edit Post Titles

This plugin enabled bulk edit of post titles....

Hide Administrator Bar

Using this plugin users can Hide admin bar for all users or only for non-admin users or also including admin in front-end....

Interactive SVG Map

This Plugin is based on Github JQV MAP. URL: This plugin displays Map in SVG format. use [interactive-map] shortcode in page/post to display the map....

Disable Plugin Deactivation

This plugin can be used to disable plugin deactivation, activation, deletion, edit, and update. Sometimes when working for client we create multiple Admin accounts. So in many of the cases clients are not technical and can mess with the plugin settings by activating, deactivating, updating, deleting.........

Shortcodes In Widgets

This plugin allows users to put shortcode of any plugin or custom code in an widget and the plugin will execute shortcode in the widget and output will be displayed in front-end....