Author: Zara Walsh Related WordPress Plugins

Customer Manager

Customer Manager plugin for WordPress is a professional tool for not only keeping e-commerce records but using them to give customers the best service after sale. There is an admin side to the plugin and a customer side however administrations also have their own customer pages. So far it includes a.........

WP e-Customers Beta

In Development (alpha/beta) WP e-Customer (beta) is an all-in-one solution for running an online business using WordPress. The tools provided will help you provide excellent customer service, build communities, increase sales, reduce refunds, care for clients and reduce administration time. Develo.........

Blip TV Episodes Widget

Blip TV Episodes Widget will dynamically check if your post or page has one or more Blip TV videos assigned to it. When a video url is found the plugin will embed the video in your sidebar for viewing. If no video is found, AdSense can be displayed instead so that your not wasting the space. There .........

Customer Downloads Manager

Provide customers with future access to purchased files. Allows customer to enter their payment reference number to assign a product to their account. Set how many times a customer can download the files. Uses a download plugin and cart intigration....

RomanCart On WordPress

RomanCart on WordPress aims to be the best of its kind and has the option of a premium service that delivers extended support. Using WordPress shortcodes all you need to do is create a shortcode with your product information in it and publish. There is already a guide to the shortcodes and once you .........