Author: alfreddatakillen Related WordPress Plugins

WP Read-Only

This plugin was made with cluster/load balancing server setups in mind - where you do not want your WordPress to write anything to the local web directory. WPRO will put your media uploads on Amazon S3. Unlike other S3 plugins, this plugin does not require your uploads to first be stored in your se.........

Stop XML-RPC Attack

Do you get a lot of brute force attacks, DOS/DDOS and spam, targeting the XML-RPC interface in WordPress? You could just block xmlrpc.php access in your .htaccess file, but that will also cause much of Jetpack to stop functioning as expected. Jetpack is based off a two-way communication between your.........


WordPress functions for creating new users does not check wheather the usernames are valid (for having in URL:s etc.) So, if you have a wordpress site with some plugin that creates users with "funny characters" (such as spaces, national characters, etc.), this plugin will clean up the mess. (Yes, th.........

WPMS Cron List

There are some inherent problems to the way wp-cron works. Sometimes you want to disable it and run your own (real) cron instead. This is usually quite simple, just disable wp-cron and set up a job that pings your sites wp-cron.php file on a regular interval. The problem comes when you have a multis.........


Due to memory leaks, Debian removed imagerotate() from php5-gd. If rotating does not work in your WordPress image editor, this plugin will supply an alternative imagerotate() function. Other plugins also solve this issue, but we got timeouts when working with (very) large images, so this plugin doe.........

Relate Groups to Blogs

When groups are started or edited, you can relate them to several blogs. These relationships will then be displayed on both groups pages and on a blog widget. On group pages, related blogs can be shown in the group header and on a seperate group page. This plugin is highly customizable. You can ch.........


With this plugin you can create your own loops and manage them with a simple drag-and-drop interface. Register one or more loops in your theme's function.php and then use them as any other loop in your theme with have_posts(), the_post() etc. Editors can then manage these loops in the administratio.........

BuddyPress Forum Notifier

Sends notifications using buddpress notification system for new replies in subscribed topics, new topics in groups forums. Notifications will also be sent as emails, but can be turned of in their settings. All notification messages are editable. Notification emails can be set to be delayed. Notific.........