Author: andreyk Related WordPress Plugins

Trusted Only

Just add usernames of those who are allowed to read your site, then no other person will be able to view it....

WP jCryption Security

The plugin increases security of a site in case it has no SSL certificate, useful for owners of small sites who want to secure their passwords and other posted data but don't want to buy SSL certificate for each domain and subdomain: it protects from sniffering the most important data such as passwo.........

Paged Gallery

It may be useful when you need to attach many images to the same post. This plugin divides your wordpress gallery into several dynamic pages. It can works in two ways: modifying the [gallery] shortcode output or do not affect it when you use [pgallery] shortcode instead. The following settings of th.........

WP Ya Share

The WP Ya.Share plugin adds to your blog a set of buttons to save URLs of your pages/posts in popular social networks (twitter, facebook, livejournal, vkontakte etc.). Добавляет блок 'Поделиться' (Ya.Share, разработанный в yandex) для сохранения ссылки просматриваемой страницы вашего блога в популя.........

Remote Images Grabber

Use this plugin instead of tiresome saving images from the internet and uploading them to your blog. You learn the value of this grabber e.g. when you need to move your old non-WordPress site with many pictures to the WordPress-based....

Li'l Gallery

Big main picture of a gallery and thumbnails of others, and the main image changes when one clicks thumbnails. Replaces the standard wordpress [gallery] shortcode output. No flash. Available options: width, heigth, thumbnail height, size, link to image file or not....

WP Country

To use the WP Country plugin in your theme or plugin add global $wp_country; into your theme or plugin PHP file, then: $wp_country->countries_list() is an array of country names $wp_country->dropdown() prints or returns countries as dropdown HTML tag. $wp_country->name($alpha2) returns t.........

SQLite Cache

On first request to a given URL whole html code of a page is being stored in the SQLite database. On next requests to the same page WordPress core will not be loaded at all but the content of a page will be retrieved from the the SQLite storage therefore duration of PHP execution decreases in dozen .........

ACF: Rus-To-Lat

Add-On plugin for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) that converts Cyrillic characters in field name to Latin characters....