Author: apokalyptik Related WordPress Plugins


Please see changelog below for recent updates/changes. wpDirAuth allows users of central directory (LDAP) servers to login to authorized WordPress instances without having to register. The plugin creates a new account for each directory user on first login so that they have full access to preferenc.........


Lets say, for the sake of argument that you have something like an iPhone. And you use it to take pictures. You sure wish there was an easy way to be able to set up a WordPress blog as a photoblog automatically. Now you can. The Photo Stream iCloud feature is just for this kind of task. You can .........

Gravatar Retro Enabler

Stable: trunk Enabled the retro option for your gravatar default setting...


VaultPress is a real-time backup and security scanning service designed and built by Automattic, the same company that operates 25+ million sites on The VaultPress plugin provides the required functionality to backup and synchronize every post, comment, media file, revision and dashb.........