Author: benhallbenhall Related WordPress Plugins

Dimbal Poll Manager - Professional Version

Powerful Analytics: As a Poll Software Solution, the Dimbal Poll Manager comes equipped with powerful analytics built into it. See detailed information about the online polls you run in your website or blog. Zone Organization: Group your online polls into logical groups known as Zones. Call the zon.........

NPS Monitoring

NPS Monitoring allows you to easily integrate a powerful Net Promoter Score survey system into your existing wordpress site. Your Net Promoter Score is a valuable customer engagement metric designed to measure the likelyhood of your user base to recommend you to a family or friend. Standard NPS Mo.........

Dimbal Social Popup

The Free Dimbal Social Popup plugin shows a popup to your users highlighting the current post and encouraging them to share it with their social networks. This plugin is configurable to allow control over how and when the popup is displayed. Popup control optiosn include: * Initial Popup Delay, nu.........

Photography Glossary

The Free Photo Glossary is an easy to use WordPress Plugin that will load a random photography term and display it's definition. It's a great sidebar addition to provide fresh content for photography based websites and blogs. The plugin includes a sidebar widget so that you can place the glossary e.........