Author: bing Related WordPress Plugins


This plugin enables you to filter posts in a particular category and then apply mass updates to selected posts. Actions supported: Update to selected category - Delete the currently filtered category and set a new Target Category for the selected posts Add selected category - Adds the Target Cate.........

Bing Boards

Get started with Bing Boards If you are new to Bing Boards, request an invitation at Bing will review your request and email confirmation and instructions on how to get your key within a few days....

Weight/Country Shipping for WooCommerce

If your WooCommerce store needs to calculate shipping charges based on cart weight and country of delivery then this plugin is for you. You can group countries that share same delivery costs (e.g. USA and Canada, European Union countries, etc.) or set the shipping costs on a per-country basis....

Child Theme Check

Child Themes are used to avoid overwriting your customizations. But if you preserve a file in a child theme, then you maybe preserve a security risk. After an update from the parent theme you always should check the changes and maybe add them to your child theme. This plugin helps you keeping track .........


The oik base plugin provides a series of advanced WordPress shortcodes that help you display dynamic content from your website's pages, posts, attachments, links and custom post types. The OIK Information Kit uses lazy smart shortcode technology to display your WordPress website's content including .........


Debug trace for WordPress, including ad hoc action hook and filter tracing. The primary purpose of debug trace is to help in the development of PHP code: plugins or themes. The primary purpose of action trace is to help you understand the sequence of events in the server. This plugin provides the .........

Thebing Snippet

The plugin allows you to link the forms of the Thebing Management School & Agency Software into your WordPress website....


Allows internal CSS styling to be included in the content of the page. Use the [bw_css] shortcode to add custom CSS as and when you need it. For designers, developers and documentors [bw_css] supports echoing of the custom CSS, allowing you to document the CSS you are using. For readability, the C.........


[ATTENTION] WordPress version MUST up to 2.7 Enhance the threaded comments system of WordPress 2.7. When someone reply to your comment, send a email to you....


Use the [cookies] shortcode to produce a table of all the cookies your WordPress site uses; showing cookie name, category, description and duration. In April 2012 the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) UK issued the ICC UK cookie guide ( a 15-page / 296KB PDF report ). The guidance, which has b.........


Every website should have a privacy policy. The privacy policy should define how your website uses cookies. This plugin will help you create your policy page, and attach it to a menu of your choice. Choose the sections you require and tailor them for your company's information. The sample text uses .........


[nivo] shortcode for the jQuery Nivo slider; "The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider"; reputed to be the world's most popular jQuery image slider....


Implements the [bw_more] shortcode to progressively reveal content by clicking on "read more" buttons. Type the [bw_more] shortcode into your content at the point from where you want to hide the remaining content. When the content is displayed the shortcode is replaced by a 'read more' button. The.........

Aged Content Message

This simple WordPress plugin displays a message in any single post that has been published x years ago from the current time or earlier. The default time to count back is 1 year, but you can change that....


Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos .........