Author: cavimaster Related WordPress Plugins

Slide Div

The best way for show and hide the content div (div.entry-content) with slide (toggle) effect of jQuery. For each post: Click on the h1 title (h1.entry-title) it becomes ".active" class and unroll the content div. Click one seconde time and the h1 title becomes normal class and the content div roll.........

Whois on widget

Simple whois tool in a widget Post a domain name et submit. Whois on widget return to you a complet whois query into Jquery lightbox. You can use shortcode like: [WHOIS] for put it in your page or post. Cavimaster_blog Original PHP whois code by Sven Cailteux - Dimension internet...

Menu on footer

Create a simple configurable unrolled menu on your in a widget or in your wp_footer. Possible configuration: . Use like plugin or widget . Show, unshow categories . Depth of categories . Categories order by . Exclude categories . Show, unshow pages . Depth of pages . Exclude pages . Modify.........

Page on widget

Show content of any selected page in a widget. In the back office, on your post page, check the checkbox "Add this page on widget". This selected page, appears finaly in your "Page on widget" widget. Drag and drop your widget on widget-zone like you want. Show or unshow the page title Limit content.........

Private categories

Make a private category (with login-logout) A login will then appear on the selected category page . Put in this category all posts that should be private not forget to change the status to private. Users must identify themselves to gain access to content Options: active/desactive privacy || choo.........