Author: dangrossman Related WordPress Plugins

WP Calais Auto Tagger

With the Calais Auto Tagger plugin, you'll never have to think of tags for your posts again. The plugin uses the Open Calais API to perform semantic analysis of your post text and suggest tags for you. Add them to your post with just a click....

Improvely for WooCommerce

Identify the source of every purchase - what sites, searches, ads and keywords bring customers to your site. Track the performance of all your online marketing at AdWords, Bing Ads, Facebook and everywhere else you advertise. Monitor your ads for click fraud — protect your budget from competi.........

W3Counter Free Real-Time Web Stats

Adds W3Counter's free web stats to your WordPress dashboard, and installs the tracker on your site via a sidebar widget. W3Counter is completely free for life, and offers dozens of reports about your website traffic, all updated in real-time. Requires a free web stats account from .........

WP Calais Archive Tagger

The Calais Archive Tagger plugin automatically goes through your archives and tags every post you've written. The plugin uses the Open Calais API to perform semantic analysis of your post text and suggest tags. If a post already contains a suggested tag, that tag isn't added, but other new tags foun.........