Author: dirtysuds Related WordPress Plugins

Kill Howdy

Yesterday, a client told me that he was sick of starring at "Howdy" in the WordPress admin interface. He told me it made him want to punch his computer in the face. He asked me if I could replace it with something like "Hello, Your Majesty" After I stopped laughing and picked myself up off the floo.........

Better YouTube Embeds

This plugin is no longer required or supported, as WordPress now supports enhanced YouTube embeds by default :)...

Postlist Shortcode

Add the shortcode [postlist query="PostQuery"] to a page to enable an unordered list of links to posts matching the query. Useful for designing custom homepages....

Offsite Post

You can use this to show posts from other sites on your homepage and in your archives alongside your own sites posts. After you activate the plugin, any post with the post type "Link" will redirect to the first link in that posts content....

Embed PDF

Will embed a PDF file using Google Docs Viewer Simply include the URL for a PDF document on it's own line, or wrapped in the embed tag like [embed][/embed] and the plugin will embed the PDF into the page using the Google Docs Viewer embed code. The url must end with .pdf .........

Gallery Excerpt

Once activated, Gallery posts will have an excerpt that is a row of thumbnail images from that post, rather than some (often not descriptive) text. This excerpt should appear in your archive pages, and perhaps elsewhere, depending on your theme. Note: The post must actually have the post type 'Gall.........