Author: dpchiesa Related WordPress Plugins

TFD Word of the Day

This is a WordPress Widget that displays an English Word-of-the-Day. It provides a word, along with a definition and an example usage. The actual word is provided by to your wordpress blog. TFD refers to ....

StackOverflow Profile

The Stackoverflow Profile Widget is a WordPress widget that displays a summary of your profile on the website. It shows your reputation, the number and kind of medals you've achieved, and a selected list of answers you have posted in StackOverflow. For each answer, it displays the .........


TwoColCats is a simple WordPress Plugin. It provides a WordPress Widget that displays the list of categories in two or more columns in your sidebar. Use it instead of the built-in categories widget. It displays only the level-1 categories....


gplus is a WordPress Plugin. It provides a WordPress Widget that displays a list of your recent Google+ activities in the sidebar. The plugin uses the Google+ API, and authenticates via an API key that YOU (the installer) acquire via the Google API Console. Because it uses the public REST API of .........


skydrv-hotlink is a WordPress Plugin. Onedrive is a cloud-based storage service offered by Microsoft, accessible at . It's free. It works nicely and integrates well with Microsoft Office and Windows. Previously it was known as Skydrive. One problem is that Onedrive does not ea.........


flickr_eyecandy is a very simple WordPress Plugin. It provides a WordPress Widget that selects and displays one random photo from Flickr in the sidebar, each time the page loads. The plugin uses the Flickr API, and authenticates via an API key that YOU (the installer) acquire via the Yahoo API Cons.........