Author: eagerterrier Related WordPress Plugins

NewCarNet News Widget

NewCarNet News will pull in the latest news from the car manufacturer of your choice. Choose one from over 100 manufacturers, or simply get the car latest news....

SOPA Blackout

On the Tuesday 24th January 2012, the US Senate will vote on the internet censorship bill. Whilst it is an American law, it has far reaching repurcusions for the web as a whole. Sites such as Reddit have said that on January 18th they are going to go dark between 8am and 8pm. This plugin will let .........

MimeTypes Link Icons

MimeTypes Link Icons is a plugin that looks for links to files and uploads in your blogs posts and adds a nice icon next to it. Optionally add the file's file size next to the link. Important note on v3.0 and up: This version partially breaks backwards compatibility: the plugin now requires PHP5.1+.........