Author: ezraverheijen Related WordPress Plugins

If Modified Since

If Modified Since tells search engine spiders one of two things about a webpage: This webpage has not changed, no need to download again. This webpage has changed so download again because there is new information. If the requested page has not been modified since the time specified by a search .........

Timeline Twitter Feed

Timeline Twitter Feed let's you output your timeline feed and multiple hashtags into your WordPress site as flat HTML. The output is customizable on nearly every aspect. With or without profile pictures, tweet date, usernames before tweets, hashtags and usernames as links etc. etc. CSS styling can b.........


Algemene Mededeling Let op: de service van wordt niet meer actief up-to-date gehouden. Deze plugin wordt daarom ook niet meer actief up-to-date gehouden. 123privacy biedt een kant-en-klare oplossing om uw website te laten voldoen aan de nieuwe cookiewet en dat helemaal gratis. Middel.........

WP Auto Salts

Lightweight plugin to add some extra security to WordPress. WP Auto Salts will renew the security salts and keys in wp-config.php on a weekly interval. NOTE: Make sure the keys and salts in your wp-config.php are between the original markers /**#@+ and /**#@-*/ or between # BEGIN WP Auto Salts and .........

WP TimeZone

This lightweight plugin can be used if the scheduled post feature is not working for you (missed scheduled post errors), and you host your site in a European country using CEST in the summer and CET during the winter....

WP Remove Category Base

This is actually the deprecated code from WordPress SEO, with some small improvements added to it....