Author: flentini Related WordPress Plugins

Homepage Drag and Sort

choose which posts you want to show in homepage, drag and sort them. it alter the main wp_query object so once activated and enabled you must choose what to display, or your homepage will be empty....

My Coderwall Badges

This simple plugin lets you get your Coderwall badges and show them on your blog. Install, activate the plugin and set your username in the CW Badges Panel. You can display your badges using the [cwbadges] shortcode inside your pages/posts. There's also a widget which waits to be activated by you in.........

sanitize image name

this couple of filter functions allow to upload image files with only numbers in the filename, avoiding the 'attachment' in the URL. ie: instead of

Cart Analytics for WP e-Commerce

Checks how many products added to a WPeC Cart are actually purchased and stores informations in the database. It's in very early stage and maybe a bit messy, in particular the ghart.php that outputs js, so if you find anything wrong let me know :) Even if you remove the plugin data remain in the DB.........