Author: getpantheon Related WordPress Plugins

WordPress Native PHP Sessions

WordPress core does not use PHP sessions, but sometimes they are required by your use-case, a plugin or theme. This plugin implements PHP's native session handlers, backed by the WordPress database. This allows plugins, themes, and custom code to safely use PHP $_SESSIONs in a distributed environme.........

WP Redis

For sites concerned with high traffic, speed for logged-in users, or dynamic pageloads, a high-speed and persistent object cache is a must. You also need something that can scale across multiple instances of your application, so using local file caches or APC are out. Redis is a great answer, and o.........

Solr Search for WordPress

Search is critical for your site, but the default search for WordPress leaves a lot to be desired. Improve your user experience with the Apache Solr search engine for your WordPress website. Fast results, with better accuracy Enables faceting on fields such as tags, categories, author, and page ty.........

Pantheon HUD

This plugin provides situational awareness of the Pantheon plaform from within your WordPress dashboard. It's helpful to be reminded what environment you're in, as well as providing quick links to get back to Pantheon's dashboard, or to interface with your WordPress installation via the command li.........


SAML authentication for WordPress, using SimpleSAMLphp. When activated, and provided access to a functional SimpleSAMLphp installation, this plugin permits authentication using any of the methods supported by SimpleSAMLphp. The standard user flow looks like this: User can log in via SimpleSAMLp.........

One Time Login

Need access to a WordPress install but don't want to create a user account for it? Use this plugin and WP-CLI to generate a one-time login URL for any user: wp plugin install one-time-login --activate && wp user one-time-login <user> After you run the command above, you'll see a suc.........

WP LCache

For sites concerned with high traffic, speed for logged-in users, or dynamic pageloads, a high-speed and persistent object cache is a must. WP LCache improves upon Memcached and Redis implementations by using APCu, PHP's in-memory cache, in a way that's compatible with multiple web nodes. Under .........

Pantheon Advanced Page Cache

For sites wanting fine-grained control over how their responses are represented in their edge cache, Pantheon Advanced Page Cache is the golden ticket. Here's a high-level overview of how the plugin works: When a response is generated, the plugin uses surrogate keys to "tag" the response with i.........