Author: lite3 Related WordPress Plugins

Flash Show And Hide Box

Flash Show And Hide Box lets we very convenient embed flash, and control it show and hide. Some times we need embed flash at my page, but load flash will be slowly show this page and increase stream. Flash Show And Hide Box plugin will enbed flash at visitor click box. The first click box show flash.........

Comments Avatar Lazyload

Comments Avatar Lazyload at server side load replace the src property of img tag. It is relly lazyload. It was successfully checked by W3C. It is only lazyload comments avatar. Related Links: Plugin Homepage Author Homepage On GitHub ...

WP Resources URL Optimization

WP Resources URL Optimization is a WordPress plugin optimized browser cache, it will greatly enhance the website page display speed and reduce the pressure of the server to handle static files. Default wp added after the static files the query string(version number) to ensure that the static files a.........

Comments Link Optimization

Comments Link Optimization waht prevent all search engine crawl your comments link. Comments Link Optimization will modify link below. Comments author link. Comments content link. Comment Optimize URL will not modify link below. Visitors reply link. (@user) Related Links: Plugin Homepage .........

WP GitHub Sync Meta

Adds support for custom post meta for WordPress GitHub Sync Add tags and categories to guithub. This plugin Requires [Wordpress guithub Sync][] Related Links: Author Homepage On GitHub ...