Author: modemlooper Related WordPress Plugins


This plugin adds photo album capabilities to BuddyPress. This is a fork of BP Album+...

AppPresser - Mobile App Framework

AppPresser is a mobile app development framework for WordPress. AppPresser allows you to use a WordPress site as an app, including access to device features such as the camera, contacts, and more. You can create your app completely in WordPress, using themes, plugins, and all the stuff you already .........

Reactor: Core

Reactor: Core connects your site to mobile apps built with Reactor: Builder. Adds JSON API endpoints to allow custom data in your Reactor powered apps. To utilize this plugin you will need an active account at Sign up now and start creating mobile apps for your Word.........


Hashtags for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress. Adds hashtag links to BuddyPress activity and bbPress topics. Hashtags turn into links that are used to search items based on topics. demo:


Allows users to log into your site with a user account. Adds a connect button to your login form....


Allows admins to specify verified accounts. Adds a badge to verified user avatars....


VintageJS allows you to apply a custom retro, vintage look to WordPress post images. This jQuery-Plugin was tested and worked fine in the following browsers: Mozilla FireFox 3.16.14 Google Chrome 9.0.597.107 Apple Safari 5.0.3 Opera 11.01 Internet Explorer 9 Javascript by R. Fleischmann http://vi.........

BP External Group Blogs

Give group creators and administrators on your BuddyPress install the ability to attach external blog RSS feeds to groups. Blog posts will appear within the activity stream for the group. New posts will automatically be pulled every hour, or every 30 minutes if someone specifically visits a group .........


Adds a media component to BuddyPress to allow users to attach media to activity postings and user generated media albums....


Mobile plugin for optimized mobile experience on BuddyPress sites....

EDD Mobile

Access Easy Digital Downloads sales data, on the go, from an iPhone or Android device....


Adds a BuddyPress tab to the add new plugins admin page that includes a list of curated BuddyPress plugins....

Buddy Share It Allusers FB YR

Adds a share buttons (FB Twitter,etc) to BuddyPress site. Shows social icons for all. Enables Facebook Sharer algoritm do right by redirected Buddypress url....


Get BuddyPress goodness without the coding knowledge! Until now, BuddyPress has had a number of internal configuration options that were only able to be configured by updating the code itself. With BuddyExtender, users now have the power to configure those settings from the WordPress dashboard witho.........

Easy Meta Builder

The fastest and easiest way to add meta to WordPress. Easy Meta Builder helps you add custom meta fields to post types without the need for a developer. Add extra fields to user profiles to collect data such as addresses, phone numbers, social media links and more. Includes 27 awesome fields! tit.........