Author: mortalis Related WordPress Plugins

TinyMCE Code Formatting

The Pre button toggles the preformatted style on the selected text or the current line (applies <pre> tag to blocks). The Code button toggles the code style on the selected text or the current word (applies <code> tag to inline elements). The default shortcuts for the buttons are: Ctr.........

TinyMCE Pre Button

The button and shortcut toggle the preformatted style on the selected text or the current line. It uses the same command as the Pre item in the Formatting list in the toolbar....

HTML Post Editor

The plugin adds HTML editor to the default post editor. The editor is accessible through a new HTML tab. When opening the tab the editor loads the raw HTML source of the post, formats it and applies Ace Editor to the input area. So the edit area has main features from this web editor: syntax highlig.........